Why God Has Never Been Enough For Me

There are certain things in life that make me happy. Coffee, cats, hanging  out with my family, rainy days, hiking, reading, and popcorn (just to name a few).  I know for sure that these things make me happy.  I also know that God makes me happy. My relationship with God brings me joy and peace... Continue Reading →

Like The Trees in The Desert

It has been sooo hot outside here where I live. My plants are withered up and brown, the ground burns your bare feet even after the sun goes down, and the breeze is like opening the door to your oven and feeling the heat rush towards you. It's hot. The heat soaks up every bit of... Continue Reading →

Best of Beauty 2016

So I love reading end of the year favorites! They are always something I look forward to, seeing the best of the best for the year. Here's mine!Too Faced Natural Matte Palette I actually did a review on this with swatches and comparisons!  Click here to see more! Wet n Wild blush in Rose Champagne ... Continue Reading →

When Sin Slithers In 

The past two weeks have been a struggle for me. I have struggled with a sin that I did not see coming. It has made me ask questions about sin that I never thought before.  I asked God to take away my attraction to this sin, and to help me resist it. But in my... Continue Reading →

I’m an Inbetween

Last night me and Tj went to a fall party with my family and some friends. I had a lot of fun, and a lot of food;) One thing I realized last night though, is that God brings us through different seasons of our life, to draw us closer to Him.  The past two years... Continue Reading →

Monday/Work Day Music Playlist

Everyone has those days where they dread either going to work or school. I do mainly on Mondays.. Music is really important to me and speaks to me just as much as reading does. I think it is important that we fill our minds with positive, God-glorifying music. These 10 songs help me to either... Continue Reading →

When God Remains Silent

When God Is Silent Psalm 83:1 "O God, do not keep silence; do not hold your peace or be still, O God!" Lately it seems every time I sit down to write a devotional, or I try to have time with God I ended up leaving discouraged. How can I help others and share to... Continue Reading →

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